Wiesbadener Inventar zur Positiven Psychotherapie und Familientherapie, WIPPF

WIPPF — Wiesbaden Inventary

The Wiesbaden Inventory in electronic form has been in existence for over 10 years. In 2021, we decided to make it a separate service with translations into various languages.

The Wiesbaden Inventory is a reliable and valid tool for exploring current abilities, areas of conflict processing, and basic emotional attitudes. It was developed by the founder of Positive Psychotherapy N. Pezeshkian in collaboration with certified psychologist H. Daidenbach. The results you will receive will be useful both to clients themselves and to their consultants or psychotherapists.

Currently, only Form A is implemented in the inventory. This is due to the limited resources of the team working on the project. Therefore, we have placed a link and a "Support" button so that anyone who likes the service can support the project.

If you encounter any problems with the inventory, please contact us at email: wippf.org@gmail.com. If you encounter any problems with sending money to support the project, please contact: Yegor Kaliberda

The project is implemented at the initiative of the Lviv representation of UIPP (Ukrainian Institute of Positive Psychotherapy and Management) —
Design and programming:
© Yegor Kaliberda, 2021-2024 — kaliberda.com

Support ₴€$